If your order was placed Monday through Thursday, it may be shipped the same day, but most likely the day after.
If your order was placed Friday prior to 12:00pm PST, the order may be shipped the same day. If not, it will be shipped on Monday.
After 1-2 business days of ordering, you will receive a shipping confirmation with your tracking number. If you haven't received this, your order may have been flagged for possible fraud. Please call customer service at 1.855.717.3963 to verify your order.
We ship from Southern California. Addresses in the west coast may have faster deliveries compared to addresses in the east coast, Alaska, Hawaii, or APO/FPO.
International orders should expect up to 14 business days to deliver to the associated country. However, your package may be stuck at customs for an undetermined amount of time, and it may be awaiting further duties and taxes. This may vary from country to country. Please call your national carrier to get an update on your package.
USPS standard shipments should be delivered within 2-7 business days from the date shipped, depending on location.
FedEx Ground shipments should be delivered within 1-6 business days from the date shipped, depending on location.
FedEx 3-Day, 2-Day, and Overnight should be delivered within 1-3 business days from the date shipped, depending on location.
Note: Holidays, high volume seasons, or inclement weather may delay shipping. Feel free to call or email customer service to get an update on your order.